Archipelago Quest – Quest Tools 08 – ExF Light Leaks


  • Photo FX
  • Digital Product
  • Instant Download

Archipelago Quest – Quest Tools 08 – ExF Light Leaks

In film photography, a light leak occurs when unintended light exposes the film, resulting in unpredictable streaks, spots, or fogging within the image. Rather than being considered flaws, these imperfections can inject a vibrant sense of energy into the frame, contributing to the overall narrative of your photograph.

Introducing Quest Tools 08 ExF Light Leaks — a powerful tool that allows you to precisely control the appearance of these nostalgic visual effects in your images using Lightroom’s masking capabilities. The collection comprises eighteen light leak presets, offering a diverse range of styles, colors, and placements of light leak effects designed for seamless layering and adjustment within the masking panel.

Additionally, the set includes a Vintage Tone tool that can be effortlessly layered over any other preset. This transformative feature turns your edit into an analog-inspired masterpiece characterized by desaturated colors, muted dynamics, a gentle haze, and filmic grain.


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